On Tue, Jun 06, 2006 at 04:56:20PM +0200, Erik Johansson wrote:
> I tried your patch, using qt-gui under both KDE and fluxbox. Under KDE, 
> nothing works. Don't know if it's supposed to, since you can always use the 
> KDE window manager for this. For fluxbox, see comments below.

Thanks, yea I know. KDE doesn't support this as far as i know. When the patch
is finished, it should have ifdef KDE's to only show in qt-plugin and not kde.

> > I have dug into the code and came up with a patch, that does nearly what I
> > want. The mainwindow is set sticky on start.
> This doesn't work. I have to change the option "Stick Main Window to all 
> Desktops" from on to off and then back again for this to take effect. 
> > But the message window is only set sticky when i open a second tab.
> I have the same behaviour.

When you have configured and then restart licq it should be sticky. at least
it is for me here.

> To me it seems like the sticky option is only set when applied to a fully 
> constructed window: For the main window I have to do the on-off-on cycle 
> after the window is constructed for the option to take effect. For message 
> windows it's only after the second call to changeMsgWinSticky(bool) that the 
> option is effective (when a new tab is added to the already constructed 
> window).
> If this is the problem, you could try to solve it by adding a QTimer. When it 
> fires you call the change sticky function. Since the timer event is placed 
> last in the event queue (i think) it will be executed after the window is 
> fully constructed.

hmm, ok. Thanks. I'll try it.


A byte walks into a bar and orders a pint. Bartender asks him "What's wrong?"
Byte says "Parity error." Bartender nods and says "Yeah, I thought you looked
a bit off."

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