Hi Philipp,

I tried your patch, using qt-gui under both KDE and fluxbox. Under KDE, 
nothing works. Don't know if it's supposed to, since you can always use the 
KDE window manager for this. For fluxbox, see comments below.

> I have dug into the code and came up with a patch, that does nearly what I
> want. The mainwindow is set sticky on start.
This doesn't work. I have to change the option "Stick Main Window to all 
Desktops" from on to off and then back again for this to take effect. 

> But the message window is only set sticky when i open a second tab.
I have the same behaviour.

To me it seems like the sticky option is only set when applied to a fully 
constructed window: For the main window I have to do the on-off-on cycle 
after the window is constructed for the option to take effect. For message 
windows it's only after the second call to changeMsgWinSticky(bool) that the 
option is effective (when a new tab is added to the already constructed 

If this is the problem, you could try to solve it by adding a QTimer. When it 
fires you call the change sticky function. Since the timer event is placed 
last in the event queue (i think) it will be executed after the window is 
fully constructed.

Just an idea...

// Erik

The important thing in Free Software is not the free beer; 
it is the free bar which ensures the beer will STAY free.
  -- KDE hackers

Erik Johansson

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