On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Aner Gusic wrote:

 |On "misc modes" for each user it would be nice to have an option that
 |allows only direct messages to that user (something like "never send
 |through server").
 |It would help a lot in my daily use of licq since new versions insist
 |on sending messages through server despite the fact that I try to send
 |to another licq and not to a windows client.

If they are behind a firewall/NAT you can't open a direct connection to 

 |Third thing is actually a complaint on this mailing list.  I sent two
 |letters before this one, before I understood why they bounced.  I sent
 |mail from my home computer

Sourceforge has implemented DUL ... so you will not be able to use your 
own SMTP server ... have to use an SMTP relay from your ISP.


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