[Norberto Bensa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 12:12:26 +0100
> Christian wrote:
>> [Norberto Bensa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
>> > On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 10:36:03 +0530 (IST)
>> > Kingsly wrote:
>> >
>> >> If they are behind a firewall/NAT you can't open a direct
>> >> connection to them.
>> >> 
>> > Windoze clients (2000/2001/2002) _CAN_ direct connect to people
>> > behind firewalls. I know this 'cos I'm behind a NAT firewall. 
>> No, they don't ;) They ask the client behind the firewall to try a
>> direct connection in the other direction. Licq does this too.
> Ok, you're right... almost... I still can't send/receive files with Licq
> :-(

To/from what kind of clients? What does the network window say? What
version of Licq?

Mvh                                                    .-.-.=\-.
Christian B. Wiik                                      (_)=='(_)

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