Awesome, I have it working with SQL Server as well now, which is

Im using JTDS for my driver, and the reading and updating work no
problem however the inserting does not work? I get the following

DEBUG - could not insert: [] [insert into authors
(name, id) values (?, ?)]
java.sql.SQLException: Parameter #2 has not been set.

With a stack trace to "Model.em.merge(author)", so for whatever reason
lift is not passing the values through to the entity for
persistence... any idea why that might be?

Now, from the jtds FAQ, it says:

When executing a stored procedure (or any query, for that matter) the
response from the SQL Server is serialized in the same order it is
executed in: for stored procedures this means ResultSets and update
counts first, output parameters and return value last. jTDS only
caches update counts , not ResultSets because they could easily cause
OutOfMemoryErrors or add important performance overheads if cached to
disk (the response would have to be parsed twice, for example).

As a conclusion, when executing stored procedures that only return
update counts output parameters will be available immediately, as jTDS
will process and cache the whole response. But if the stored procedure
returns at least one ResultSet jTDS will only cache the update counts
up to the first ResultSet and you will have to call getMoreResults()
to process all the results. So for procedures returning ResultSets you
will have to loop, consuming all results before reading the output
parameters (i.e. until getMoreResults() returns false AND
getUpdateCount() returns -1).

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