So far I'm impressed with Lift and have gone through the toy-app stage
of experimenting. I have my own framework in production powering large
scale sites like and real experience with

I'm a little sketchy on the thinking behind this type of display logic
deep in the code.  For example

class HelloWorld {
def howdy: NodeSeq = <span>Welcome to helloworld at {new

In Model:
override def loginXhtml =
<lift:surround with="default" at="content">
{ super.loginXhtml }

In real applications are people delegating this type of rendering to
template files?  In a freemarker world I have template macros
(snippets) that would look like
<#macro helloWord>
  <span>Welcome to helloworld at ${exec.RunCustomDateFunction}

or server code that would look like
(In horrible python/java psudocode)
  render_and_return(template('helloWorld', {date: new
java.util.Date} )

I have strict rules about who gets to edit templates and who gets to
edit server code.  Template code should NEVER affect server profiles
(of course it can with bad javascript/ajax) and server code should
never have display data.

(In my world...) Display / presentation changes should NOT require
a .war deployment

I'm basically asking for other people's thoughts in this direction.  I
have multiple HTML/CSS/JS experts and multiple Server devs.  Is this
something that will 'people scale' in the way I need it to?

We currently have Groovy embedded in places and were looking at
Grails.  The problem is that it is groovy is not as fast to code in as
Ruby and Grails is not much easier to deploy then a .war (because we
have automation).  Lift solves some real problems for us and Scala
seems like a language with real benefits.

Besides SpringSource is offering Grails support so we don't want to be
too mainstream ;)


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