Me again. I resolved my previous problem but hit a new one in the
world of Eclipse/Scala integration.

First: a confession. I'm trying to ditch Maven. I have to; I'm trying
to write a webapp that will be embedded inside another Java app, and
the whole lot will be built together. I can't go compromising the
build of the larger project by imposing requirements of smaller
modules. Been down that road once with OSGI and I'm not going back.

I have created a lib/ directory in my scala project, imported a few
jars in and added them to the build path. Now I am getting errors in
my scala project as so:

For the line: package bootstrap.liftweb

I get the error: Syntax error on token "liftweb", ; expected after
this token

Which is suggesting to me the JDT is compiling this, rather than the
scala compiler.

The Java builder is turned off for the project. At one stage, before I
ditched maven, this was working. Any thoughts?

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