
Thanks for the updated feedback!

On 7/1/09 8:59 AM, "Mark Polesky" <> wrote:

> Carl D. Sorensen  wrote:>
>>> Yep, sounds good. Would you prefer that I send text for review
>>> and then create the patch when we like it, or should I just
>>> create a patch to be reviewed?
>> You're a Doc editor, so why don't you just create a patch.  I'll
>> review it once it's created.
> Jon, sorry if I upset you with my "grievances" yesterday. Just so
> you know, Bertalan Fodor graciously helped me off-list and things
> seem back to normal, so there's no need to worry.
> And thank you for the .iso and the great work you put into it! A
> few glitches on my (temperamental) computer shouldn't diminish
> that.

Actually, you are somebody-Mark, not somebody-not-Mark!

> But as not-somebody-not-Mark, I'd like to make one tiny suggestion.
> I think it would be helpful if no step was omitted. Assume the
> reader has *no* context to understand the consequence or relevance
> of any step.
> For example, when you say "allocate memory and so forth", that's
> about 5 steps that could be spelled out.
> 1) Memory: use the recommended base size of 384 MB?
>    * are there system requirements for compiling LilyPond?
>    * Do I need more RAM to compile the program than I would to
>      compile just the docs?
>    * I initially selected 384, but then VirtualBox warned me that
>      384 MB is more than 75% of all my RAM (I'm on an older
>      computer with only 504 MB RAM). That would've left 120 MB for
>      everything else and the warning said that was a bad idea. But
>      I didn't know what to lower it to, or if I could lower it at
>      all. So I changed the 384 to 200. I still don't know if it
>      matters.

As long as there's enough memory to run things, you're OK.  Extra memory
needs will be met by using virtual memory (on the hard disk).
> 2) Boot Hard Disk (Primary Master): select
>    Create new hard disk: select
> 3) Storage type: Dynamically exapanding storage?
> 4) Virtual Location Disk Location: use recommended location
> 5) Virtual Location Disk Size: use recommended (8 GB)?
>    * Does compiling LilyPond require more/less?
>    * What if I only want to allocate 2GB (hypothetically)?
>    * If I select 8GB, it'll start at the base size in expand
>      dynamically anyway, right? It would be good to understand
>      this.

Probably want to use the recommended.  2GB may make it too tight.

> Hope this helps.

The feedback is *always* helpful.


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