1) Memory: use the recommended base size of 384 MB?
   * are there system requirements for compiling LilyPond?
   * Do I need more RAM to compile the program than I would to
     compile just the docs?
   * I initially selected 384, but then VirtualBox warned me that
     384 MB is more than 75% of all my RAM (I'm on an older
     computer with only 504 MB RAM). That would've left 120 MB for
     everything else and the warning said that was a bad idea. But
     I didn't know what to lower it to, or if I could lower it at
     all. So I changed the 384 to 200. I still don't know if it

As long as there's enough memory to run things, you're OK.  Extra memory
needs will be met by using virtual memory (on the hard disk).
Well, I would recommend _at least_ 384MB, but running two OS'es at the same time on a computer with 0.5G RAM can be hard.
3) Storage type: Dynamically exapanding storage?
Yes, definitely.
5) Virtual Location Disk Size: use recommended (8 GB)?
   * Does compiling LilyPond require more/less?
   * What if I only want to allocate 2GB (hypothetically)?
   * If I select 8GB, it'll start at the base size in expand
     dynamically anyway, right? It would be good to understand

Probably want to use the recommended.  2GB may make it too tight.
You can't even install the OS on 2GB. You need at least a 4GB hard disk, but that could be tight as well. I would recommend 6GB.

I would mention, that the lilybuntu.iso is a Live CD (mounted as a virtual CD), which must be installed to the virtual hard drive before you can use the development tools.

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