Le jeudi 10 septembre 2009 à 00:24 +0200, Joseph Wakeling a écrit :
> But anyway, I'm willing to do the typing side of it.  I just need you to
> clarify exactly what I should put: presumably GPLv2 for code files and
> GFDLv1.1 for docs are the base licenses, but would you and Jan approve
> putting GPLv2 or later for your own contributions?  What are your
> thoughts (and recommendations) for code written by others?  I know that
> you ran into a paperwork issue some time back that has never been resolved.

For the record, I agree to license/relicense all my code contributions
(mostly Python scripts and makefiles) under GPLv2+ or GPLv3+, and
dual-license my doc contributions under GFDL1.1+ and GPLv2+.  I also
hope that I'll junk all dirty scripts I wrote before a copyright header
is added to them, but I'm not sure I can achieve this :-)


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