On 23 Feb 2010, at 03:08, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

Sorry, guys, but isn't this discussion drifting into the wrong direction? The original post was about the GERMAN wikipedia example, so I don't see where
Canadian copyright law comes into play.

He is worrying about what happens when he views it in Canada.

With German pages, one can argue that they are intended for a German- speaking audience[*], so at most Austrian, Swiss and German copyright law is relevant.

([*] That's what the copyright lawyer told us in the law course (for law
students!) on austrian copyright law, which I took last year...)

Strictly speaking it depends on were the server is, because for example the Austrian authorities can do nothing about it if it is in say the US. The situation is complicated if the server has is distributed, having automated mirrors in different countries, and it may difficult and impossible to know from where the stuff was downloaded.

They can go after Austrians, but in is not practical in police enforcing terms.


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