2011/9/28  <aleksandr.andr...@gmail.com>:
> Per comments by Bertrand, I have moved the Kievan glyphs to Parmesan. I
> have also changed the names of the glyphs as he suggested.
> I've begun working on improving the MetaFont code. Please take a look at
> the code for the final note, the recitative, and the whole note and let
> me know if I'm on the right track.

Yes, that's definately the "truly Metafont-ish" way of writing glyphs :)

Btw, you may be interested in this script written by me to ease font work:


# this script generates dvi previews of metafont files;
# they are saved in 'home/font-preview/'.
# call this script from top source directory (usually
# 'lilypond-git/')
# first argument is the "operating mode"
# second argument is the name of mf file to be compiled
# (for example feta20, feta-noteheads20, parmesan13 etc.)
# third argument (used only in 'c' operating mode)
# is the branch with changed glyph sources.
# operating modes
# c = creates 3 dvi preview files of specified font file
#     and opens them with xdvi:
#     - file-current = how glyphs from master look like
#     - file-new = how glyphs from specified branch look like
#     - file-revised = at the beginning it's a copy of -new;
#     after making some changes in the glyph sources,
#     run this script with operating mode 'r' to see
#     these new changes in third window.
# n = create a dvi preview of a specified mf file
#     and open it with xdvi
# r = recompile the 'file-revised' dvi preview.

case $1 in
    git commit -a -m "saving unsaved changes"
    git checkout $3
    git pull -r
    git checkout master
    git pull -r

    cd mf/
    mf $2
    gftodvi $2.2602gf
    mv --force $2.dvi ~/font-preview/$2-current.dvi
    rm $2.log
    rm $2.2602gf
    cd ../

    git checkout $3

    cd mf/
    mf $2
    gftodvi $2.2602gf
    mv --force $2.dvi ~/font-preview/$2-new.dvi
    rm $2.log
    rm $2.2602gf
    cd ../

    cp ~/font-preview/$2-new.dvi ~/font-preview/$2-revised.dvi

    xdvi ~/font-preview/$2-current.dvi &
    xdvi ~/font-preview/$2-new.dvi &
    xdvi ~/font-preview/$2-revised.dvi &

    cd mf/
    mf $2
    gftodvi $2.2602gf
    mv --force $2.dvi ~/font-preview/$2.dvi
    rm $2.log
    rm $2.2602gf
    cd ../
    xdvi ~/font-preview/$2.dvi &

    cd mf/
    mf $1
    gftodvi $1.2602gf
    mv --force $1.dvi ~/font-preview/$1-revised.dvi
    rm $1.log
    rm $1.2602gf

Additional small tip: it's good to check how glyphs look like at
different design sizes, just to be sure that there are no unwanted
side effects.  I suggest compiling a dvi proof at least for sizes 20
(standard) and 13.


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