You can't solve the Kievan bar line problem without calculate every dot
position.  I made a pure MetaFont version of the Kievan bar line:

fet_beginchar ("kievan end of piece (slash)", "barline.kievan");
        % this draws the end of piece figure
        % this figure is placed at the end of the musical piece, after the
        save hair_thickness, thick_thickness, width, depth, height, path;
        hair# = 1.9 linethickness#;
        thick# = 6.0 linethickness#;
        width# = .8 staff_space#;
        height# + depth# = 4 staff_space#;
        depth# = height# + hair# / 2;

        set_char_box (0, width#, depth#, height#);
        define_pixels (hair, thick);

        x1r - x2l = w;
        y1 - y3r = d + h + linethickness / 2;
        z3 = z2;
        z4 = .5 [z1, z2] = (w / 2, hair / 8);
        z5 = (x2 - .17 staff_space, 9/10 [y2, y1]);
        z7 - z6 = (.5 staff_space, -.2 staff_space);
        .4 [z6, z7] = 7/6 [z2, z1];

        pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter;
        penpos1 (hair, 0);
        penpos2 (hair, 0);
        penpos3 (hair, -90);
        penpos4 (thick, 10);
        penpos5 (thick, 35);
        penpos6 (hair, -90);
        penpos7 (.5 thick, -120);

        penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

        fill z1r
             -- z2r
             -- z2l
             -- z1l
             -- cycle;

        fill simple_serif (z3l, z3r, 90){1.5 right}
             .. z4r
             .. z5r
             .. z6r
             .. simple_serif (z7r, z7l, 80)
             .. {left}z6l
             .. z5l
             .. z4l
             .. cycle;

I will make a complete review later.


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