On Wed, 25 Jan 2012, David Kastrup wrote:
> I do share Graham's concerns which have been previously hashed out
> in private discussions: an official money channel for LilyPond is
> not something easy to set up.

There are already existing free software umbrella organizations that
do this: one is SPI[1], another SFC[2]. I'm not sure about the
particulars of them paying out bounties, but ISTR it happening or at
least being discussed in the past. This would require a bit of
organization on the part of the lilypond project to become an
associated project, but the actual intake and disbursement of funds
would be handled by SFC or SPI in an open manner.[3] I believe the
overhead for both SPI and SFC are on the order of 5% (though I think
SFC has a non-mandatory overhead), with additional overhead for
transfer fees.

Don Armstrong

1: http://www.spi-inc.org; full disclosure: I'm a Debian Developer and
SPI contributing member, and know most of the board members.

2: http://www.sfconservancy.org/; full disclosure: I'm friends of
Bradley Kuhn, the executive director of SFC, and know some of the
board members.

3: http://www.spi-inc.org/projects/associated-project-howto/ for example.
Let the victors, when they come,
When the forts of folly fall
Find thy body by the wall!
 -- Matthew Arnold

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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