2012/1/24 Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>:
> Xavier, may i ask you an unusual question?  Feel free to ignore it.
> Why could you want to become "bounty hunter" (i.e. person that
> organizes bounties and sponsorship)?

This topic is not that easy, as expresses the numerous replies showing
the different concerns of everyone.

On 25 January 2012 02:06, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:
> As a user, I would tend to prefer to just kick money into a general
> fund and let someone figure out how it gets utilized

One or two French users also made a similar proposition and asked where
they could send such donations to a "general (LilyPond Develoment)
fund".  This is a different approach than the "pay-per-feature/fix".

On 25 January 2012 12:38,  <m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:
>  In the meantime, I think people should take a gander at:
> http://audacity.sourceforge.net/?lang=fr
> http://ardour.org/
> http://musescore.org/fr
> They're all music related projects that have a donation system implemented.
>  Especially with MuseScore, we could just ask them how if it has proven to
> be effective for them.

I think MuseScore funding relies (mainly?) on musescore.com "Pro Account",
providing an enhanced version of musescore.com storage site for scores.
IIRC lasconic (Nicolas Froment) said the 3 main developers (Werner
Schweer, Thomas Bonte and himself) are now working full-time on
MuseScore.  Actually I planned to speak with them about that point at
FOSDEM.  Does someone have some specific questions I could ask?

I'd say also that a project like "Open Goldberg" is not bad for
MuseScore.  I don't know if they earn a lot of money from it but at
least it brings MuseScore a nice visibility.

AFAIK LilyPond has not been "involved" in such kind of projects.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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