Hi José,

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 9:09 AM, padovani <zepadovani.li...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm dealing with special noteheads I've designed and I need to move the
> stem and the flag differently if stem direction is up or down.
> I would like to create a guile lisp clause that sets the extra-offset
> value accordingly to the Stem position.
> I was trying this, but it does not work...
> \once \override Stem #'extra-offset = #(if (eqv? ly:stem::calc-direction
> UP) '(-0.02 . -0.25) '(0.02 . 0.25))
> (also tried this...
> \once \override Stem #'extra-offset = #(if (ly:dir?
> ly:stem::calc-direction UP) '(-0.02 . -0.25) '(0.02 . 0.25))
> )
> any tips?

You're almost there, but ly:stem::calc-direction is a procedure which needs
the Stem grob as its argument.  So you can do this:

 \version "2.14.2"

\relative c'' {
  c c'
  \override Stem #'extra-offset =
    #(lambda (grob) (if (eqv? (ly:stem::calc-direction grob) UP)
'(-0.02 . -0.25) '(0.02 . 0.25)))
  c, c'

BTW, you could also use ly:grob-property here to get the direction of the

\override Stem #'extra-offset =
    #(lambda (grob)
      (if (eq? (ly:grob-property grob 'direction) UP)
  '(-0.02 . -0.25) '(0.02 . 0.25)))

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