Hi again,

> It would be possible to offset both of them, but I think you might be
> better served by approaching the problem from a different angle.  You can
> control the relative positioning of stem and note head through
> 'stem-attachment, which is a property of NoteHead.  The flag will move
> along with the stem.  Also, the stem will end in the same place as an
> ordinary stem.  Try this (the color override is useful to show the start of
> the stem):

Oh, that was a little too hasty of me!  Note heads don't have direction, so
all you need is this:

customStemAndFlag = \once \override NoteHead #'stem-attachment = #'(0.5 .

Sorry to take the Scheme fun out of it...  (if this is in fact gives you
what you want!)

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