Am 16.12.2013 06:15, schrieb Graham Percival:
On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 01:23:51PM +0100, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 15.12.2013 06:47, schrieb Graham Percival:
2) they noticed the existing, read the "text input" page, but were
still confused.  Solution: improve the "text input" page.

I think the only issue with "text input" might be that it isn't
explicit (or rather suggestive) enough about the editing

Then it should be fixed.

OK. I think this can be a very small patch, and I'll give it a try.
After has been pushed.

Was it clear from the discussion on -user which of those problems
it was?

Not unambiguously clear. But it seems clear that we will have to
take into account that people will proceed directly to the Download
page without reading anything of the introduction or the Features
page at most.

Hence the warning.

I'm still not sure whether the current "Note" (be it restyled or not) is better to "embrace" the user than a regular text box.

But I suggest to postpone this whole issue and do a few other things first (see below) because they might change our view with regard to the "Download" landing page. (I.e. I'd "revoke" the patch and upload a few other ones first, when these are settled I'll/we'll review the state of the Download page.)

Maybe another whole page about "sample
usage", or something like that?

Maybe this should even be split: One dedicated page explaining the
concept of IDEs, similar to the Text Input page but less elaborate,
and another page that more or less lists available editors (i.e. the
current "Easier editing" page with some modifications).

I like that idea.  So there would be 3 pages in Introduction:
- lilypond is text input

Which would be more or less the current "Text input" page plus a small patch as mentioned above.

- text input means you write text

Which I suggest to be named "Editing".

- list of available editors

which should be called "Editors" or "Editing environments"???

It was consensus that new users should actively be encouraged to
download one of the complete environments, namely Frescobaldi or
Denemo, which would then take care of installing LilyPond.

Actually there already is an issue for it:

Is Frescobaldi available on OSX?  It's lacking the appropriate
symbol on the easier-editing page.
... apparently it's only available in macports.  That isn't
something that we should ask most users to try.
is the current installation instruction for OSX.
I can't tell what this actually implies, but maybe it really isn't suitable as a "first choice" recommendation.

Denemo is not available on FreeBSD or OSX (accoring to the
symbols) so we can't recommend it without deliberately ignoring
some users.  Granted, anybody using freebsd will already know how
things work, but we shouldn't ignore OSX users, particularly since
many composers prefer OSX.

According to
Denemo is available on Linux, Mac and Windows.

So I'm not sure what that all means: Can we recommend it, particularly for first-time users?

And if not, what should we recommend instead?
We definitely want new users to have a path to a at least partially comfortable first editing environment. That was the initial motivation for all this discussion. Particularly for Windows users it is not acceptable that they're confronted with LilyPad alone which doesn't even offer syntax highlighting plus a Desktop icon that doesn't behave as Windows programs usually do.

It wasn't absolutely decided (although I think there's no other option) that LilyPond can't be responsible for installing third party tools. The idea was rather to point to these third party tools - and if these were able to care for installing LilyPond, even better.

So: Is there any acceptable environment available that we can recommend for all OSs?

This could be to some extent discussed on a new "Editing" page, i.e. not on the top of the Download page and only very shortly on the Editors list page. Somthing along the lines of "on Windows you can use Frescobaldi or Denemo, on Mac OSX too, but Frescobaldi installation is more involved there etc."

I think the considerations about "chattiness" of texts or redundancy
of information are suitable and necessary for the docs, but much
less for the website.

I think that suitable chattiness is even *more* important for the
website.  Adding text is the easiest thing to do to docs, but can
often make users turn off their brains and not read stuff.  My
rule of thumb is that doubling the text results in half the number
of people reading it.

The website doesn't have to be redundancy-free document with every
information exactly once and in the right place (which it is far
from currently BTW). It should rather be a comfortable place for
potential new users who aren't already familiar with LilyPond or
text based toolchains in general.

Right.  So let's direct new users to the best explanation we have
for how lilypond works.  Not a 3-sentence summary of the
situation.  Direct them to a whole page with images, examples,
screenshots, video screencasts, embedded youtube videos, etc.
If somebody is unfamiliar with text input, you cannot give a good
explanation in 3 sentences that they will understand.  You can't,
I can't, nobody can.  It's a whole different concept.

Sure, we could add 3 pages of material to the top of the download
page (and presumably the top of the Windows download page as
well).  But that would annoy experienced users.  Solution: use a
short notice to get newbies onto a dedicated page for them.

So I'll go ahead and make suggestions along the lines discussed here.
Maybe the need for my original patch will have vanished by that or at least significantly changed.


- Graham

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