Am 16.12.2013 07:46, schrieb Paul Morris:
Graham Percival-3 wrote
Maybe another whole page about "sample
usage", or something like that?

Maybe this should even be split: One dedicated page explaining the
concept of IDEs, similar to the Text Input page but less elaborate,
and another page that more or less lists available editors (i.e. the
current "Easier editing" page with some modifications).

I like that idea.  So there would be 3 pages in Introduction:
- lilypond is text input
- text input means you write text
- list of available editors

Continuing in this direction... what if the "list of available editors" was
then put on the download page itself, just below the LilyPond download
content?  With a header to the effect of "Download an Editor to Use with
LilyPond," and a brief explanatory text ("these are 3rd party..." etc.) with
links to the text input pages.

Or even more radically, on the download page the list of editors could be in
the right-hand column, and the LilyPond download content in the left hand

Either way this would really convey that you need LilyPond and (probably
also) an editor.

But would "Download" still be true as the page title/menu entry?
Maybe one could change that to "Get LilyPond"?

Graham Percival-3 wrote
My rule of thumb is that doubling the text results in half the number of
people reading it.

+1 for keeping the website text concise

Maybe that's all true.
But from my experience "LilyPond speech" is at times concise to an extent that makes it uncomprehendible for many readers.


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