Il giorno sab 18 lug 2015 alle 20:42, David Kastrup <> ha scritto:
Federico Bruni <> writes:

Il giorno sab 11 lug 2015 alle 9:28, Urs Liska <> ha
 These are all good ideas and suggestions. Now we need someone to
 give it a try. I won't be able to do anythong about ut

Unfortunately I'm scared away by texinfo, texi2html, the build system,

 I wish we could use a modern tool for the website (there are nice
 static website generators around.. I've recently started testing
cactus¹). I'm pretty sure that other people might be more motivated to
 contribute if we changed the tool for the website only.

We use the same input language for the website as for the rest of the
documentation. As a consequence, our website and main documentation are maintained and kept up-to-date with respect to one another, and one can
search any website material in Emacs' info browser.

I understand that having to learn two input languages is not optimal, but I don't think that it's a big problem. On the other hand I think that it's safe to assume that few people out there know texinfo and many more know markdown or HTML. If we care for contributors...

What "tool for the website" will be maintaining literally thousands of
LilyPond code examples and the resulting images? And if we have people
motivated to contribute to web-only documentation, what is supposed to
happen to the PDF manuals and the Info manuals?

I don't see any value in having the website in PDF or Info format and I'm pretty sure that at least 90% of lilypond users have the same opinion.

And our web pages currently render perfectly well on pretty much every
browser (including text browsers).  Many content creation tools don't
render convincingly on less common browsers or screen resolutions.

Current website is not mobile friendly and this is not good for SEO:

The tools I'm thinking of use Bootstrap, which is responsive and mobile first:

I don't really see that we have much to gain by forking part of our
documentation off into different incompatible technology.

I have the bad feeling that the issues marked with label website will
 remain open forever:

You won't get them magically closed by moving to another tool, and we'll
get a lot of new ones, to boot.  And when the people excited about
hacking up a website on some new tool will become unexcited and
eventually go away, there will be nobody who can pitch in without
learning yet another tool.

I see a totally different reality, but I might be wrong. Let me list some points:

1. All the persons who built the lilypond build system left the project. Correct me if I'm wrong. Who is going to fix all the issues related to website generation and translation? Who is going to spend work on trying to understand something extremely complex which can be useful only within the LilyPond project? I would not be optimistic...

2. We still depend on texi2html and the help request by Jean-Charles, who tried moving to texi2any, not surprisingly was ignored:

3. Some recent contributions to the website failed. The most important I can remember is the one by Urs. I'd be glad if he could share his thoughts on this matter. I tried a very small contribution such as updating the screenshots of Denemo and Frescobaldi, but I was stuck and no one else did this apparently simple job:

The website home page should be the easiest thing to update. Let's see who will volunteer for this.

Refusing any change because it's a change is not good for the LilyPond project.
It brings only to stagnation.

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