> But the "website" doesn't have to be available as PDF or as info
> documents if the manuals are.  So I don't see anything speaking
> against having a "website" that is developed using arbitrary
> technologies that may even change every two years and having the
> manuals in their traditional infrastructure and appearance, located
> at their proper places inside or attached to the website.

Yes, the top-level page of lilypond.org might be maintained separately
without affecting the documentation of lilypond itself.

> I have to disagree here. The documentation inherently has to be
> maintained by the developers but the website doesn't.

Mhmm.  We have to exactly define what the `website' is.  Otherwise I
fear that we soon have people who try to add documentation to the

> Federico suggests that *the website* doesn't have to be available in
> PDF or info format.  He doesn't speak of manuals.

This fine distinction was definitely not obvious in his first e-mail.


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