Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> writes:

> Hi!
> The FSF and GNU are moving to libera.chat
>     https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-gnu/2021-06/msg00005.html
> As most channels already moved over the past weeks (#bootstrappable,
> #emacs, #guile, #guix, #hurd, #ubuntu*, ...) I suggest for #lilypond to
> also move (or "stay" with the original freenode staff as some call it).
> In anticipation of that (as most channels already moved), I have created
> a #lilypond channel on libera.chat and applied for an official
> registration.  Patches for the website attached.

Good riddance.  Overall, the corporate world tries to play nice with
community stuff they got their hands on by throwing money at it.  But
sometimes they don't seem to have anything better on their mind than to
sink it.

Latest experience was SourceForge turning into an adware distribution
site temporarily.  They resold the site before its reputation/value was
completely destroyed.

The current owners of Freenode don't appear to have such plans as to

Ok, end of rant.

+1, good thinking.  Anybody else opening a vicarious issue for carrying
along the patch, or should I do the honors?

David Kastrup

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