Le 14/06/2021 à 23:30, David Kastrup a écrit :
Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> writes:


Le 14/06/2021 à 17:06, Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :
Glad to meet you (and somewhat impressed, I must admit).

The FSF and GNU are moving to libera.chat


As most channels already moved over the past weeks (#bootstrappable,
#emacs, #guile, #guix, #hurd, #ubuntu*, ...) I suggest for #lilypond to
also move (or "stay" with the original freenode staff as some call it).

In anticipation of that (as most channels already moved), I have created
a #lilypond channel on libera.chat and applied for an official
registration.  Patches for the website attached.
Like David, seconded. The move seems to have been a
no-brainer in many projects (including Python, which
is large enough for them not to make this decision on
a whim!). It looks like Freenode made spectacularly
bad decisions lately. Blocking channels because they
mentioned the libera.chat alternative…
"Freenode made bad decisions" is a bit misleading since the vast bulk of
what constituted Freenode has moved on.  The person being in legal and
financial control over the operation of the server and site names has,
well, decided to do a Goneril.

Let me rephrase that more figuratively: the community was
seized in such a way that it had to swarm. By the way, here
is the latest update from the FSF (just in case anyone was
still to be convinced):



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