
Le 14/06/2021 à 17:06, Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit :

Glad to meet you (and somewhat impressed, I must admit).

The FSF and GNU are moving to libera.chat


As most channels already moved over the past weeks (#bootstrappable,
#emacs, #guile, #guix, #hurd, #ubuntu*, ...) I suggest for #lilypond to
also move (or "stay" with the original freenode staff as some call it).

In anticipation of that (as most channels already moved), I have created
a #lilypond channel on libera.chat and applied for an official
registration.  Patches for the website attached.

Like David, seconded. The move seems to have been a
no-brainer in many projects (including Python, which
is large enough for them not to make this decision on
a whim!). It looks like Freenode made spectacularly
bad decisions lately. Blocking channels because they
mentioned the libera.chat alternative…

Note that I don't know whether anyone actually uses
the channel (I don't). It can't hurt to move it, though.

+1, good thinking.  Anybody else opening a vicarious issue for carrying
along the patch, or should I do the honors?

Here you go:


(as a superficial detail, I squashed the commits just
to follow modern practice of updating English documentation
and translations at one time).


A side question: do I understand it correctly that
Jan is your formal name and Janneke your nickname?
I'm asking because a former contributor was called
Janek, which confused me a lot in the first times.

Best regards,

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