> Moving from 1.2.17 to 1.4.12 some of my favourite commands
> do not work as expected
> The command I had standardized for boxed rehearsal marks, i.e.
> \mark "{\\font\\twelverm=cmbx12\\twelverm{\\hspace{10mm}\\raisebox{0mm}{\\fbox{1}}}}"
> makes some additional white space to be inserted before and after the barline
> preceding the \mark command.

Take a look at input/test/boxed-molecule.ly. You may have to tune
some of the parameters to get the desired result, I don't really
understand exactly how the spacing is determined.

> The command I had standardized for "circled" rehearsal marks, i.e.
> \mark "{\\font\\twelverm=cmbx12\\twelverm{%
> \\hspace{0mm}%
> \\raisebox{-1mm}{%
> \\setlength{\\unitlength}{1mm}%
> \\begin{picture}(7,7)%
> \\put(3.5,3.5){\\circle{7.0}\\makebox(0,0){1}}%
> \\end{picture}%
> }%
> }}"
> is not usable at all (lots of white space before and after the barline).
> Do you have any suggestion to solve the problem?

The preferred solution would be to implement support for this
in Lilypond. It shouldn't be too difficult if you know some
Scheme and postscript.

> I would like to look in the sources to see if I can do something
> to solve the problems outlined in my previous posting about
> percent repeat:
> - Too wide percent repeat measures

I took a look at the output of input/regression/percent-repeat.ly
(included in the Regression Test document on the WWW site)
and can't really imagine a narrower percent repeat measure, at least
for the the single measure repeat.


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