Mats Bengtsson wrote:

>I took a look at the output of input/regression/
>(included in the Regression Test document on the WWW site)
>and can't really imagine a narrower percent repeat measure, at least
>for the the single measure repeat.
>   /Mats
Here is a short .ly which shows my problem, I can get 10 ordinary measure
per line but not more than 8 "percent repeat" measures. There is no
space saving in using the percent repeat.



\version "1.4.0"

Genis = \notes 
\relative c'' 
    \property Voice.TextScript \set #'font-style = #'large
    \property Score.instrument = "trombone"
    \property Score.skipBars = ##t
    \property Staff.transposing = #0
        \clef "violin"
        \key c \major
\time 2/4
\repeat "unfold" 28
r8 g r g |
\repeat "percent" 16
r8 g r g |
\repeat "percent" 17
r8 g r g |
\score {
        \notes { \time 2/4 \Genis }
        \midi { \tempo 4 = 90 }
        \paper {
        \translator {\StaffContext
                     \consists Mark_engraver

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