> On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 08:57:39 -0700
> Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Graham Percival wrote:
> > >If I wanted to use it now, I'd try using a bold, smaller-font "//" and use
> > >#'extra-offset to lower it until it covers those lines in the staff.
> > >
> > I may learn something basic about markup here.  Can you give me an 
> > example about how to move a specific markup with #'extra-offset?  I have 
> > tried raise without success before.  Also if I can use "//" maybe I can 
> > use the actual symbol as defined in my previous post in this thread.
> Here's two examples from one of my pieces:
> \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset = #'(-6.0 . -3.0)
> \time 4/4 c'\pp^\fermata^#"arco" ais'\mp^\fermata r2 |
> \property Voice.TextScript \revert #'extra-offset
> \property Voice.Script \override #'padding = #1.5
> r2. | r4 d'(\cr e8 ~ )e8^\fermata\rc\mp |
> \property Voice.Script \revert #'padding
> They're not too easy to understand -- I like to keep my pieces in a very compact
> format -- but they're better than nothing.  The first example moves the "arco"
> string.  The second example increases the padding (the distance between it and

try using

  \once \property Voice.TextScript \override #'extra-offset
    = #'(-6.0 . -3.0)

that saves another few keystrokes.

As for the caesura, I think  the proper solution is to add the
character to the font, and use it with BreathMark  (syntax: \breathe).
>From what I gather, the symbol is not complicated, so it should be easy. 

(any takers ?)

BTW, you do know that we have a breath mark that looks like little
tick ( ie. ' ) through the top staffline.  Would that satisfy Paul?

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen 

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