Well, you are welcome,
but I just copied it from a letter on cyrillic fonts.

but if it helped I am happy.

On the hebrew side I have a stickier problem.

When I run my example through lilypond-book it treats all text as

I need a way to make sure that just the lyrics are processed as hebrew.

The use of hebrew itself is problematic:
hebrew is right to left and english is left to right, but hebrew lyrics
are left to right globally and right to left locally:

As follows:
 this is english -> -> abc abc starts from the left
<- <- hebrew is this   cba cba starts from the right

lyrics                  start from the left, but each syllable  are read
from the right.

the problem I am having is how to get everything both the notation and
the lyrics to start from the left!!! Think about it a second when I tell
latex to use hebrew it makes everything go from right to left even the
I have dvi's with hebrew and the notation backwards....

Any thoughts???

On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 01:12, Warren Stickney wrote:
> My Lyrics problem is now solved.
> Thanks, Aaron, for the correct command and structure as in your message on
> hebrew lyrics.
> I have so much to learn.
> Warren Stickney
> Wellington,
> New Zealand
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