Thanks Mats,
I find that my problem falls into two lacks of knowledge:
1. Lilypond- I am just learning lilypond. I basically have used denemo
to make my .ly file until a few weeks ago.
This project needs advanced lilypond knowledge...

2. Hebrew support in linux and latex/tex.
I just recently got hebrew up and running on my system. I rely on the
ivrix discussion group for knowledge of hebrew tex/latex.

Basically I fiddle till I get frustrated and then I write a letter to
one of the two user groups ivrix or lilypond. Sometimes I write to the
wrong list, sometimes I ask the wrong questions, so sometimes by the
time I figure out something hasn't worked a few days have passed...

In anycase I will try the tex file and see what I get.

I must thank the list again for their help esp Mats and Ario because
without you guys I wouldn't have gotten this far!!
On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 15:33, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

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