Aaron wrote on 2003-06-26:

> Well, you are welcome,
> but I just copied it from a letter on cyrillic fonts.
> but if it helped I am happy.
> On the hebrew side I have a stickier problem.
> When I run my example through lilypond-book it treats all text as
> hebrew.
Do you mean that all text goes RTL or also that english letters are
rendered as Hebrew?  Both can be symptoms of the same problem, LaTeX
thinks your global language is Hebrew.

> I need a way to make sure that just the lyrics are processed as hebrew.
- Do you have ``\sethebrew`` in your wrapper?  If yes, remove it.

- Do you have a ``hebrew`` or ``hebrew,english`` language option in
  the wrapper (don't remember the precise construct, probably argument
  to babel)?  If yes, try replacing it with ``english,hebrew``.  I'm
  not sure but I think the first language specified becomes the
  document's main language.

> Additionally.
> The use of hebrew itself is problematic:
> hebrew is right to left and english is left to right, but hebrew lyrics
> are left to right globally and right to left locally:
> As follows:
>  this is english -> -> abc abc starts from the left
> <- <- hebrew is this   cba cba starts from the right
> lyrics start from the left, but each syllable  are read
> from the right.
You'll want to solve first problem (get global direction LTR) and then
wrap only the hebrew words with ``\R{hebrewword}``.  If you so wrap
each word separately (``\R{syllable1} \R{syllable2}``), you should get
what you want.

Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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