Thanks Mats
As you can tell I get mixed up sometimes.
On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 18:47, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Aaron wrote:
> >Ok lets try to unconfuse me.
> >1.\\HeblatexRedefineL honestly this is from the hebrew latex but I am
> >not sure what it means, does the L at the end stand for left?? if so
> >maybe I should us an R??
> >
> >2. \\R or \\L I see how you used the "" which I didn't do
> >3. \\sethebrew or \\unsethebrew - can this be used in the lilyfile?? I
> >am generally confused whether to use this at all or maybe I need it in
> >the wrapper???
> >
> >4. then there is the font issue do I need to define the font if I am
> >using //hebalef??
> >  
> >
> These questions have nothing to do with Lilypond, please post to
> the ivrtex (or whatever it was called) list!
> >--------------------------
> >Now I have some idea of what to do next.
> >1. the \\R with the quotes according to mats.
> >2. If that doesn't work \\HeblatexRedefineL with the quotes according to
> >mats.
> >
> >I will run these tests and include the outputs and the files so that
> >things will I hope be clearer.
> >
> >Thanks
> >Aaron
> >
> > 
> >am trying the following
> >1.
> >
> >}
> >text = \context Lyrics \lyrics { \\HeblatexRedefineL  { "\\hebalef"
> >"\\hebgimel" "\\hebalef" "\\hebalef" }
> >}
> >  
> >
> This would mean that the first syllable of the lyrics is \HeblatexRedefine,
> then you have a curly brace that does nothing. You have to switch manually
> to Hebrew for each single syllable, see my previous posts!
>     /Mats

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