> Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > Why not edit the texinfo source directly, and send a patch?
> You are asking the users to learn texinfo, diff and patch before they
> can help you.  And as someone else pointed out, if they install a prebuilt
> version, they don't even have the texinfo source.
> (Personally, gnu info is the only thing that has ever made me want to run
> screaming back to windows, but maybe that's just the user-interface.)
> I conceed to the various points made about wiki.  In addition, it would
> impossible to filter with lilypond and still pretend to have any sort of
> security.
> The "manual with comments" format might still help you, though.
> Whenever you take a documentation-day before a release, you could review
> the new comments, and incorporate good suggestions into the docs.
> It lowers the barrier for users, and isn't a constant drain on your time.

Yes true.  Is anyone willing to host a wiki for this? It would be easy
to link foobar.html into a wiki?foobar/ site. 

> In another message, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > I agree with Jan on this one: if the threshold is lowered, then we
> > will get less useful information.
> Um, are you getting *any* useful information now?  via documentation
> bug-reports and patches, that is?

No, not that much, but I don't get much useless information that I
have to sift through.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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