On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> > Yes true.  Is anyone willing to host a wiki for this? It
> > would be easy to link foobar.html into a wiki?foobar/
> > site.
> I can't see hundreds of people queueing up, so I jump in.
> <http://afavant.elte.hu/lywiki> is waiting for you.  The
> moment (or year?) of truth is approaching... :)

I tried it out.

I really like the links to edit the comments at the bottom of each page.
That's very convenient.


The wiki needs to automatically link back to the lilypond site.
Perhaps the title at the top next to the lilypond logo could do that
instead of doing a full text search.

Is there any way to include the comments from the wiki in the green area
at the bottom of the page?  I don't know what you are using for scripting,
but it could be done by server-side-including a cgi-script which fetched
the wiki page.  (preferably without the wiki headers and footers)

~ John Williams

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