> > If the documentation were in docbook, its far more approachable
> > than texinfo (IMHO).

No, it's not.

"If only we had a Wiki, then we could improve the documentation."

"If only it was in XML, then I could work on the documentation"

"If only it was in Docbook, then it were approachable."  

"If only we had <better buzz-word compliant gee-whiz-bang technology>,
then <I would work on it>."

When will you people get a grip?

Someone has to sit down and *write* documentation. Yes, writing. That
means: investing time to write down English sentences, rearranging,
proofreading, editing, spellchecking, etc.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 

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