On Wed, 2015-04-15 at 15:52 +0200, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
> Second that. My only plea is to continue improving and developing
> lily's MusicXML capabilities. My project is going to a publisher who
> explicitly refuses to accept Lilypond files, and will only accept the
> project if I can provide a MusicXML export that his in-house engraver
> can then open.
The crunch would come when his in-house engraver tried to open a foreign
piece of MusicXML. Is it looking for instruction on how to do the
beaming for example, how wide the margins are ... if so the PDF would be
the way to go. If not, you are in the MusicXML-light category that Johan
just referred to in his email. There are many ways to describe the same
piece of music with MusicXML and I suspect there will never be a program
that could read and make sense of all of them.


> I guess my question would be: what is the current outlook for
> MusicXML, what are the current issues, and what progress have we made?
> Cheers,
> A
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Martin Tarenskeen
> <m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
>         On Wed, 15 Apr 2015, Urs Liska wrote:
>                 Hi all,
>                 if anyone has questions about, issues with or
>                 suggestions for MusicXML (LilyPond related or not) you
>                 may call me privately until this afternoon 5 PM CEST
>                 (= UTC+2).
>                 I have the opportunity to meet Michael Good who's open
>                 to that. (Of course this doesn't include "how do
>                 I ...?" or other questions that should rather be
>                 posted on stackexchange.)
>         I don't really have much useful to contribute, sorry. But if
>         your post suggests that there is still at least the wish and
>         intention to continue developing and improving MusicXML
>         support for LilyPond I can only encourage this.
>         Now we "only" need more active developers who want to spend
>         their precious time in this important but apparently complex
>         stuff.
>         Compared to other opensource projects like MuseScore and
>         Willem Vree's abc2xml/xml2abc LilyPond's MusicXML
>         import/export-support is far behind.
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