On Fri, 24 Apr 2015 01:59:40 +0200, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 24.04.2015 um 01:26 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
Hi Gilles,

I have _not_ asked "the LilyPond team" to spend any resources for whatever.
First of all, nobody wrote that you did.
You wrote

What's for the LilyPond team in spending resources
trying to work around those self-inflicted limitations?
That response fairly strongly implies that you think Urs has suggested or asked “the Lilypond team” to spend resources.

I think so too.

You got me there!  Almost. :-)
Actually what I meant is that *you* did not ask (in your post), but that (in my opinion) it logically follows that resources would be spent (to fix
whatever needs fixing).
And I included *you* in the "LilyPond team".

Perhaps your initial post offered the possibility of misinterpretation.
I seriously doubt that comment will help matters.

Well, there *are* things that I didn't express in full length
originally. So, while I still think I have the "right" to complain
about some comments, there is some truth in this comment.

Will you still complain, if I offer more compliments?  :-)
Rephrasing the idea: My opinion is that there is more to gain for us if
you spent your resources without focusing too much on the "big publishers"
potential user segment.
I'd be more inclined if you set to educate "small publishers". Perhaps an
easier target.

But you, as the one doing the work, definitely get to decide in the end.

And particularly as Gilles' post you are referencing here is overall
very constructive I don't see much sense in playing "he started" or "I
didn't say that but you did".
I'll respond in more detail to that post as soon as  I have the time.

I'm particularly interested in constructive feedback on the alternative
project which I mentioned. How to make a case for LilyPond? So that
people will support the idea of creating free contents (primarily for use
music schools) and will request that funds (which otherwise would go to
"big publishers") be diverted towards that goal.


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