On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Kieren MacMillan <
kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Hi Abraham,
> > Fantastic work, David!
> +1
> > This would make an excellent addition to the core code, IMHO.
> +1
> > The only thing that I would further request (and this applies to
> instrumentName in general) is that the indent variable automatically adjust
> itself to be larger to compensate for names that run into the left margin
> (and sometimes off the page entirely!).
> Really, “left-margin” could (should?) be from the left edge of the
> physical page to the left-most bit of printed material (i.e., the left-most
> bit of SystemStartDelimiter or instrument name, whichever is farthest
> left). Right now, it’s “left-margin + short-indent [indent, resp.]” to the
> left-most SystemStartDelimiter of the system [first system, resp.], with
> the instrument name(s) added almost as an afterthought.

Ha.  This brings back the days of getting my dissertation--an orchestral
composition--through all the final hoops.  Did the explicit requirement of
1.5\in at the left (if I remember correctly) include the instrument name or
not?  There never was a conclusive answer.  You could see the varying
interpretation in past scores.

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