On Sun 08 May 2016 at 19:06:27 (+0100), Anthonys Lists wrote:
> Basically, I want to do pretty much what "instrument name" does in a
> score - I want to put the name of the section in front of the start
> of the staff. The problem is, as always, when you use a feature for
> what it's not intended for, you can get unexpected side effects.
> I've got four sections, so that'll mean four \score's. Will I get
> unexpected (read - unwanted) headers between the scores? Basically,
> if you don't notice the section name, you shouldn't realise that the
> music doesn't just flow on.

I don't foresee any issues. Have you not tried it?

> My other approach to doing this sort of thing is "\stopStaff
> \cadenzaOn ... \cadenzaOff \startStaff" but will this suppress
> things like key signature etc at the start of the line? My initial
> experiments in that respect haven't worked, although it seems
> obvious to me why. But I don't want to carry on down that route if
> it's going to turn into a rabbit's warren of tweaks and fixes to get
> right.

Without an example of whay you've done, I wouldn't like to comment.
It seems more complicated.

> How do other people deal with section names? Especially, how do you
> do it like the score I'm copying - at the start of the line ...

I don't know what the score you're copying looks like. I think we've
been here before...


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