On Tue 10 May 2016 at 12:45:38 (-0400), Stephen MacNeil wrote:
> >>Thank you very much. It's close, but will need a little tweaking. Your 
> >>example
> is right-justified against the left margin, whereas I want it >>starting at
> the left margin, and pushing the staff to the right
> remove indent
> \paper {
> %indent = 0
> %left-margin = 15
> }
> does that work?
> >>The other glitch is the inter-score spacing seems to be slightly larger than
> the intersystem spacing - I'm trying to tell by eye and it's >>difficult to
> be sure - but if it's hard to tell then I should be able to live with it :-)
> If I understand it's probably because the instrument name takes lager
> space, so make it smaller? But I am not exactly sure that's what you mean.

I think he means

\paper {
  score-system-spacing = ...

Just finding the right terminology helps. A glance at the NM contents
would make this trivial to find out.


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