On 09/05/2016 04:11, Stephen MacNeil wrote:
Actually I just noticed \halign -- that's not needed I copied it from another one where it was needed

so those examples should just read

\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \box \fontsize #5 \pad-around #.5 \bold "B"}


Thank you very much. It's close, but will need a little tweaking. Your example is right-justified against the left margin, whereas I want it starting at the left margin, and pushing the staff to the right (actually, I think that was your \halign, removing that moves it partially (but not enough) to the right so I'll have to play).

The other glitch is the inter-score spacing seems to be slightly larger than the intersystem spacing - I'm trying to tell by eye and it's difficult to be sure - but if it's hard to tell then I should be able to live with it :-) So now I know this approach should work without too much difficulty.

It sounds like shortInstrumentName might work even better from my point of view, but my first attempts in that direction have not been promising. I think I know what I'm doing wrong, though.

Thanks again

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