2016-05-23 16:27 GMT+02:00 Richard Shann <rich...@rshann.plus.com>:
> On Mon, 2016-05-23 at 10:13 +0200, Simon Albrecht wrote:
>> On 22.05.2016 23:29, Richard Shann wrote:
>> > I wonder did my email "Switching
>> > the direction of slurs in tupletBracketToSlur" get overlooked or is
>> > there no way that a direction can be set to be the opposite to the stems
>> > and beams direction?
>> Certainly it hasn’t been overlooked, and there is a way to do it.
> Spurred on by your confidence that it can be done I dug into it
> #(define (invert-direction x) (if (eq? UP (ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction 
> x)) DOWN UP))
> \override TupletBracket.direction = #invert-direction
> seems to do the trick.

Even more concise:

#(define (invert-direction grob)
  (* -1 (ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction grob)))

> If anyone knows of a problem with this code,
> please say,

Well, as soon as polyphonic happens it will produce strange output, see:

mus = {
        \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t
        \override TupletBracket.direction = #invert-direction
        \tuplet 3/2 { a'8 b c }
        \tuplet 3/2 { r8 d e }
        \tuplet 3/2 { r8 r f, }
        \tuplet 3/2 { g, a'' r }
        \tuplet 3/2 { c,,8 c c }
        \tuplet 3/2 { r8 c c }
        \tuplet 3/2 { r8 r c }
        \tuplet 3/2 { c c'' r }

\new Staff
\new Voice \relative c'' { \voiceOne \mus }
\new Voice \relative c { \voiceTwo \mus }

> otherwise could it be a simpler replacement for
> http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Snippet?id=860
> which seems to be trying to achieve the same thing?

860 was one of my early codings, far too complicated thinking.
Actually it redefines parts of `ly:tuplet-bracket::calc-direction' ...
Otoh, it is aware of kneed-beams, sort of.

Though, it has the same problem as mentioned above and I'm not sure
how to avoid it.


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