On Thu 23 Jun 2016 at 16:12:56 (-0500), Br. Gabriel-Marie | SSPX wrote:
> Well, I know how to do *that* - that is, I know how to get text
> above and below the staves.
> But I want text above and below the scores - sort of like a
> subtitle.
> At the end of each page, about 3/4 inch below the last line of
> lyrics I want to put my note (it's to say that the chorus should be
> repeated after each verse).
> Page1:
> Chorus
> myText
> Page2:
> verses
> myText

Do you have anything against just splitting off the chorus from the
verses thus:

myText = \markup { \tiny \italic  "Repeat Chorus after every verse "  }

\paper { ragged-bottom = ##t }

chorus= \new Voice = "chorus" \relative c'' { g a b c d }
verses = \new Voice = "verses" \relative c'' { g a b c d }

chorusLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "chorus" {
  These are the chorus words
firstVerse =  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "verses" {
  The words to my song
secondVerse =  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "verses" {
  Next verse words go here

    \new Staff { \chorus }



\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }

    \new Staff { \verses }


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