Am 12.08.2016 um 16:30 schrieb Thomas Weber:
> There are two things about rehearsal marks in orchestral scores I'd like to 
> know about.
> Firstly, how can I separate rehearsal marks (and other structural stuff like 
> \break or \pageBreak) from the actual musical content?  Can I somehow add a 
> virtual staff to carry the rehearsal mark information?  I think I remember 
> seeing something like that before, but I can't seem to find any documentation 
> about it.

Of course you can enter these in a structural Voice and add these either
to the top staff of the score or even to each staff (using polyphony).

But the better approach is using the edition-engraver
( for the rehearsal
marks and probably the page-layout package
( that wraps around the
This allows you to define independent named break-sets and apply them
with a single command (e.g. to define alternative page layouts
representing different manuscripts or target media).

Unfortunately this is still pretty undocumented :-(


> Secondly, how can I make rehearsal marks appear both on the very top staff 
> and the top staff of the strings?  As far as I can see, rehearsal marks will 
> always be put at the very top staff.
> Thanks!
> Thomas
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