Hello list, hello Tim,

You wrote:

> In percussion music, it is normal to have a tie to nothing after a cymbal 
> note, to indicate that the cymbal should be left to ring.
> Can anyone help me achieve this effect in lilypond 2.0.3 (lilypond book if 
> that makes any difference)?

I'm not quite sure, if my solution is what You want, but perhaps try to
connect the tie with an unvisible note and use polyphony:

     << { \tieDown b1:32~b4~ \hideNotes b4 } \\
        { \unHideNotes s1 s4
        \once\override Rest #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 4)
        r4 }
     >> r2 \bar "|."

This shows the tie pointing to the rest.
In this case it is necessary to shift the rest, because of the polyphony
sets it apart.

Another possibility without polyphony:

     b1:32~b4*3/4~ \hideNotes b16 \unHideNotes r4 r2 \bar "|."

This ends the tie before the rest, but in my opinion the first form
looks a little bit better ... ;-)

By a little bit playing with it You could perhaps find a satisfying

Best Regards           Roland

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