Mark Mathias <> writes:

> Has anyone a happier method of separating fingering from notes? I would
> like to produce several versions of the same music using different
> fingerings for different instruments.
> For example, a melody might have four versions: one for violin, another for
> viola, another for cello and another for double bass. In addition to
> different clef and octave, each version would call for fingering
> appropriate to that instrument, but the same file including the melody
> would be reused in each version.
> Right now if I separate notes in one \include file from fingerings in
> another include file and combine them as separate voices, LilyPond doesn't
> place the fingering voice with an awareness of the notes voice, leading to
> collisions.
> In the version below, for example, the flageolet nearly touches the stem of
> the A, and the 3 is almost fully covered by the notehead of the A an octave
> above.
> My search of manuals, snippets, etc., hasn't turned up a good method.
> \version "2.19.16"
> \relative c'' {
>   <<
>     { \stemNeutral a4 c f a }
>     \\

Remove the \\ here: it separates voices (which you apparently noticed
and tried to offset with \stemNeutral, also unneeded).  Without \\,
fingerings and notes are in the same Voice and will get combined.

>     { s^\flageolet s^\markup { \finger "↓2" } s^\markup { \finger "↓1" }
> s^3 }
>   >>
>   g,^\flageolet c^\markup { \finger "↓2" } f^\markup { \finger "↓1" } a^3
> }

David Kastrup

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