Am 09.04.2018 um 23:05 schrieb foxfanfare:
Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote

The link provided is nothing like the Chopin Etude #23, Op. 25 No 11 in my
Paderewski edition.
Hofstadter in his book "Goedel, Escher, Bach: The Golden Braid" offers a
mathematical/contrapuntal analysis.

Because it's Godowsky :-) 53 Studies on Chopin's Etudes ~ 42

I think Mark wanted to indicate that the *original* Chopin study in Paderewski's (annotated?) edition is even more challenging. However, when I last looked into it I recall concluding that the Paderewski edition had *not* been engraved with LilyPond ;-) And this was the question my link referred to: seeing LilyPond deal with complex piano music.

I truely love this book... I have two volumes on paper and it is very
inspiring for my work!
Actually, almost every etudes could be an engraving challenge...
And I must admit that the LP result is awesome even if it lacks some

Of course it lacks these. Actually this *is* the point about the example, how awesome it is without any engraving tweaks.

I read the code but can't understand yet the scheme code yet...

Well, of course this example is especially challenging due to its non-standard beaming, and the Scheme code basically deals with that. One should stress the fact that -- all programmer's sophistication notwithstanding -- the actual layout decisions are purely automatic.

The original engraver should have earn an engraving oscar... (if it existed)

Maybe he's watching this ;-)

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