As said in the first post staff-padding seems to have the same problem of

outside-staff-padding does the job only if reset; see:

Then I would consider this a bug. At least one property of OttavaBracket
should behave like extra-offset concerning the starting offset.


On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 2:31 AM Aaron Hill <> wrote:

> On 2020-01-12 5:17 pm, Paolo Prete wrote:
> > Unfortunately, with extra-offset I have the disadvantage that all the
> > other
> > objects are not moved automatically (smart repositioning)
> True, extra-offset is the tool for making changes to the layout after
> everything else has been done.  It sounded like that was what you were
> asking about.
> > Does my example show a bug/missing feature for OttavaBracket?
> Not that I can see.  But it seems like Y-offset might not be the right
> thing to adjust.  Perhaps staff-padding or outside-staff-padding are
> better options.
> -- Aaron Hill

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