Hi Paolo,

> Look at this: 
> http://lilybin.com/yb5u35/9
> As you can see, the result is the same if I set "2" or "0" for the Y-offset 
> property.

That’s because neither 2 nor 0 is large enough to be outside the items in your 
example (e.g., the noteheads are at +4, and the slur is at an even more distant 
position). In my example, I used 10, and it did exactly what I wanted: placed 
both OttavaBracket objects 10 spaces away from the staff.

> This means that there's not a way to know how to shift the bracket  +2 staff 
> spaces (or any other specific value) above its *calculated position*, because 
> there's a hidden (and unknown) offset.

Not in my example: I know its reference point is exactly 10 spaces from the 
reference point of the staff.  ;)

> As you can see too, in the previous snippet, extra-offset shows the correct 
> behavior.

No… extra-offset shows how you can move an object from its calculated position, 
but not "the correct behaviour" (i.e., what you want) in that it doesn’t push 
anything else around. Right?

> Consider too that the behavior of all these properties (except for 
> extra-offset) seems different if I use \offset instead of \override or if I 
> switch from 2.18 to 2.19 and vice-versa.

The difference between 2.18 and 2.19 shouldn’t even be a talking point — 
they’re different versions of the software.

> Maybe I'm wrong and I ask all again the starting question with an added token:
> How can I shift up the ottava bracket exactly TWO staff spaces above its 
> calculated position in the first way suggested by the documentation ("other 
> objects will be moved automatically if necessary to make room ")  ?

I’m not sure how to do that technically… and to be honest, to me that sounds 
undesirable (at the very least from a performance perspective).

I hope someone else is able to answer your question(s) satisfactorily!


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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