On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 12:00 AM Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

> Am Sonntag, den 12.07.2020, 23:18 -0700 schrieb Flaming Hakama by Elaine:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org>
> To: "lilypond-user@gnu.org" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 15:38:03 +0200
> Subject: Naming RFC: Properties, property sets, presets
> Hi all,
> I'm writing some documentation for the new openLilyLib feature set of
> properties, and I think this is the (last) moment to clarify some of
> the naming.
> I have implemented the concept of a set of properties, which is a place
> to store typed variables. I'm pretty confident that the terms
> "property" and "property set" are appropriate. To demonstrate:
> \definePropertySet my-function.appearance
> #`((thickness ,number? 1)
>    (color ,color? ,red)
>    (label ,markup? "")
>    (extra-width ,number-pair? (0 . 0))
>    (Y-position ,integer? 0))
> This defines the set of properties applicable for my-function, along
> with type predicates and default values.
> Property values can (if necessary) be retrieved with
>   \getProperty my-function.appearance.label
> and changed with
>   \setProperty my-function.appearance.color #green
>   \setProperty my-function.appearance.color "blue" % fails type check
> The actual use of properties is from within functions:
> myFunction =
> #(with-property-set define-music-function (mus)(ly:music?)
>   '(my-function appearance)
>   #{
>     \once \override NoteHead.color = #(property 'color)
>     #mus
>   #})
> Within a function created with the with-property-set macro a function
> (property <key>) is available to produce the current value of the
> property (which can be the currently set global value or a value passed
> in the function
> {
>   \myFunction c' % => (property 'color) => red
>   \setProperty my-function.appearance.color #blue
>   \myFunction c' % => (property 'color) => blue
>   \myFunction \with { color = #green } c' % => (property 'color) =>
> #green
> }
> ###
> So far I'm pretty sure property and property set is the right naming.
> However, there's one more step, and here I have been suggested to
> reconsider the naming.
> Properties can not only be changed globally or per instance but also
> through something I so far call "presets". Alternative suggestions for
> that concept were "contexts" or "environment", but I'm really not
> convinced about them. So I'm looking for either common support for
> either name or a better suggestion.
> A "preset" is a subset of a property set with individual property
> values. When invoking the function a preset can be requested while
> properties not included in the preset are left unchanged. Presets can
> inherit to create cascading structures.
> \definePreset \with {
>   thickness = 3
>   Y-position = 2
> } my-function.appearance default
> \definePreset \with {
>   parent = default
>   color = #green
> } my-function.appearance style-one
> \definePreset \with {
>   parent = default
>   color = #magenta
> } my-function.appearance style-two
> Using it the properties included in the preset are used while others
> keep the current global value. Additionally arbitrary properties can be
> overridden locally:
> {
>   \myFunction \with {
>     preset = style-two
>     label = "Foo"
>     thickness = 2 % properties from presets can be overridden too
>   } c'
> }
> ###
> So, to cut a long story short: What do you think this "is", i.e this
> should be named: presets, contexts, environments, something else? If
> you should think about styles, this has been discussed before, but a
> property set isn't necessarily limited to matters of appearance, it
> could configure arbitrary things, e.g. export target, lyrics language,
> composition algorithm parameters, anything.
> Actually I'd prefer one of two answers: A confirmation that I'm good to
> go with "preset", or a better suggestion that is so striking that I can
> immediately go with it.
> Thanks
> Urs
> To be clear, to make sure I understand it correctly, when you are calling
>     \myFunction \with {
>         preset = style-two
>     } c'
> that is a synonym for, assuming your original definition of style-two:
>     \myFunction \with {
>         parent = default
>         color = #magenta
>     } c'
> Is that correct?
> Only partially. In fact what happens with
> \myFunction \with  {
>   preset = style-two
>   label = "Bar"
>   Y-position = -1
> }
> (to provide additional local overrides)
> \myFunction \with {
>   thickness = 1 % provided by the property set
>   color = #red % provided by the property set
>   label = "" % provided by the property set
>   extr-width = #'(0 . 0) % provided by the property set
>   Y-position = 0 % provided by the property set
>   thickness = 3 % overridden by "default"
>   Y-position = 2 % overridden by "default"
>   color = #magenta % overridden by "style-two"
>   label = "Bar" % local override
>   Y-position = -1 % local override
> }
>    1. read the current values of all properties in the property set
>    2. look up a preset
>    3. if that has a parent, recursively go through the parents
>    4. override all properties defined in the (grand)parent preset, with
>    the immediate preset last
>    5. override any local invocation properties
> If so, to me, the elements of "preset" are in the vicinity of what I would
> call arguments, as they are values you supply to a function.  But since
> these arguments are all properties, it's probably better to call them
> properties.  Since they can be overridden, I'd think of them as property
> defaults.
> I would find it clearer as
> \defineDefaultProperties \with {
>      parent = default
>      color = #magenta
> } my-function.appearance style-two
> {
>     \myFunction \with {
>         defaultProperties = style-two
>     } c'
> }
> If you wanted a more generic name, I would go with:
> \defineArgumentDefaults \with {
>      parent = default
>      color = #magenta
> } my-function.appearance style-two
> {
>     \myFunction \with {
>         argumentDefaults = style-two
>     } c'
> }
> This is intriguing, and I'll put it on the list of to-be-considered
> suggestions. But not "DefaultProperties" because that mixes badly with the
> property set level.
> Best
> Urs

Yes, I did understand it to be more complex than my MWE.

But the two things I wanted to validate are that

* The preset is something you pass as part of a function invocation
     \myFunction \with  { preset = style-two }

* The preset resolves to a set of property/value pairs.

Yes, I can see that since the property set has defaults, using "default"
here would be inappropriate.  Also, since they are only used in the context
of a call to \myFunction, they are not really acting like defaults.

I'm not sure how much this concept is tied to appearance, but a set of
styling properties is generally called a style sheet, like in CSS.

In fact, the "default"-like character of this is really more similar to
cascading style sheets.


\definePropertySet my-function.appearance
#`((thickness ,number? 1)
   (color ,color? ,red)
   (label ,markup? "")
   (extra-width ,number-pair? (0 . 0))
   (Y-position ,integer? 0))

myFunction =
#(with-property-set define-music-function (mus)(ly:music?)
  '(my-function appearance)
    \once \override NoteHead.color = #(property 'color)

\defineStylesheet \with {
    parent = default
    color = #magenta
} my-function.appearance style-two
    \myFunction \with {
        stylesheet = style-two
    } c'

If you wanted to reserve "stylesheet" for something more complete, another
other word in use for interchangeable style configurations is "theme"

\defineTheme \with {
    parent = default
    color = #magenta
} my-function.appearance style-two
    \myFunction \with {
        theme = style-two
    } c'


Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator

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