Dear ML members;

The thread becomes longer and longer. Hence I am going to summarize my concerns and won't repeat myself never again:

1) In the beginning, there was the ask of Urs to be supported by developing OLL because he wants to reduce his efforts. For making OLL a little more welcoming, I proposed either to re-license OLL under the LGPL or to add something like an 'include exception' (for getting the similar protection just as the GPL with classpath exception did for Java developers using OpenJDK). Additionally, I suggested to become a contributor if and when such a clarification has been realized. This proposal seems to be rejected. Hence I withdraw my offer.

2) Most of you who see my concerns as ridiculous have in mind, that the PDF created by Lilypond is only the output, not another form of the Lilypond code, just as the letter written for aunt Tilly is not covered by the word processor.

Here I clearly disagree: Lilypond describes itself as a compiler taking text written in the LilyPond programming language and compiling this text as PDF and/or as midi file. ( Thus, it does not meet the structure of writing a letter to aunt Tilly. The GPL-v3 itself defines, that 'the “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source form of a work.' §1 ( A pdf file contains printer commands to visualize music. It is a text file too. Thus, one could at least argue that the PDF file is the object code of the lilypond source code.

Hence, it is not inherently and intuitively clear, that the PDF is the autonomous output and has nothing to do with the input of the compiler 'Lilypond'.

3) If lilypond-code is source-code of a programming language and if it can include/use other code licensed under a strong copyleft license then it has to be distributed under the same terms, even if it is distributed in form of object code (§6 GPL-v3) The relationship between the lilypond code of a piece of music and the code being included / used for compiling it is the same as the relationship between java code and for example the openjdk library: Writing a java program becomes more easy for me, because I can use the preliminary work of those programmers, who implemented hashes, arrays, etc into the OpenJDK lib. OpenJDK is licensed under GHPL-v3. But for not enforcing the using code to be licensed under the GPL too, openjdk is released under the GPL with classpath exception. This can simply transferred to OLL: I could more easily write my lilypond music code, because I could use the preliminary OLL work of Urs etc. Unfortunately, OLL does not offer such an exception. Hence I have to accept, that my music code (sic!) has to be distributed under the terms of the GPL-v3 too, because OLL is licensed under the GPL.

4) Point 2 and 3 together can be used to argue, that also a distributed pdf file compiled by lilypond has also to be licensed under the GPL.

5) I've learned, that all(?) of you consider this an untenable if not silly position and that the PDFs and midi-files compiled by Lilypond are never affected by the strong copyleft effect of the GPL. That's good to hear. But I don't understand, why - under this circumstances - it should be garbage to add a respective clarifying statement (the 'include clause' or however you want to name it), if it is at least partially conceivable that such a position will be taken and if all of you do not want to use / establish its consequences. But that's my problem.

6) For the future
- I won't come back to you with this issue
- I unfortunately cannot work on the further development of the OLL
- I won't use OLL to minimize my risk
- I will use Lilypond ...
  - but I won't distribute my essential work in form of lilypond code
  - and reduce its distribution in form of PDFs to an absolute minimum for minimizing my risk.

And as far as I understood you correctly, none of you will try to force me to publish it under the terms of the GPL. That's also good to hear. Overall, that's not the best result we could get, but it is a result.

With best wishes and sincere thanks for the wonderful Lilypond Composer environment


  Karsten Reincke    /\/\   (+49|0) 170 / 927 78 57
 Im Braungeröll 31   >oo<
60431 Frankfurt a.M.  \/

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